Chris Joyce bcbf8ae1b3 Fix optional UserAgent
Added an example
2023-05-26 13:06:12 +10:00

450 lines
11 KiB

// Copyright 2020-22 PJ Engineering and Business Solutions Pty. Ltd. All rights reserved.
package googlesearch
import (
// Result represents a single result from Google Search.
type Result struct {
// Rank is the order number of the search result.
Rank int `json:"rank"`
// URL of result.
URL string `json:"url"`
// Title of result.
Title string `json:"title"`
// Description of the result.
Description string `json:"description"`
const stdGoogleBase = ""
const defaultAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36"
// GoogleDomains represents localized Google homepages. The 2 letter country code is based on ISO 3166-1 alpha-2.
// See:
var GoogleDomains = map[string]string{
"us": "com/search?q=",
"ac": "ac/search?q=",
"ad": "ad/search?q=",
"ae": "ae/search?q=",
"af": "",
"ag": "",
"ai": "",
"al": "al/search?q=",
"am": "am/search?q=",
"ao": "",
"ar": "",
"as": "as/search?q=",
"at": "at/search?q=",
"au": "",
"az": "az/search?q=",
"ba": "ba/search?q=",
"bd": "",
"be": "be/search?q=",
"bf": "bf/search?q=",
"bg": "bg/search?q=",
"bh": "",
"bi": "bi/search?q=",
"bj": "bj/search?q=",
"bn": "",
"bo": "",
"br": "",
"bs": "bs/search?q=",
"bt": "bt/search?q=",
"bw": "",
"by": "by/search?q=",
"bz": "",
"ca": "ca/search?q=",
"kh": "",
"cc": "cc/search?q=",
"cd": "cd/search?q=",
"cf": "cf/search?q=",
"cat": "cat/search?q=",
"cg": "cg/search?q=",
"ch": "ch/search?q=",
"ci": "ci/search?q=",
"ck": "",
"cl": "cl/search?q=",
"cm": "cm/search?q=",
"cn": "cn/search?q=",
"co": "",
"cr": "",
"cu": "",
"cv": "cv/search?q=",
"cy": "",
"cz": "cz/search?q=",
"de": "de/search?q=",
"dj": "dj/search?q=",
"dk": "dk/search?q=",
"dm": "dm/search?q=",
"do": "",
"dz": "dz/search?q=",
"ec": "",
"ee": "ee/search?q=",
"eg": "",
"es": "es/search?q=",
"et": "",
"fi": "fi/search?q=",
"fj": "",
"fm": "fm/search?q=",
"fr": "fr/search?q=",
"ga": "ga/search?q=",
"gb": "",
"ge": "ge/search?q=",
"gf": "gf/search?q=",
"gg": "gg/search?q=",
"gh": "",
"gi": "",
"gl": "gl/search?q=",
"gm": "gm/search?q=",
"gp": "gp/search?q=",
"gr": "gr/search?q=",
"gt": "",
"gy": "gy/search?q=",
"hk": "",
"hn": "hn/search?q=",
"hr": "hr/search?q=",
"ht": "ht/search?q=",
"hu": "hu/search?q=",
"id": "",
"iq": "iq/search?q=",
"ie": "ie/search?q=",
"il": "",
"im": "im/search?q=",
"in": "",
"io": "io/search?q=",
"is": "is/search?q=",
"it": "it/search?q=",
"je": "je/search?q=",
"jm": "",
"jo": "jo/search?q=",
"jp": "",
"ke": "",
"ki": "ki/search?q=",
"kg": "kg/search?q=",
"kr": "",
"kw": "",
"kz": "kz/search?q=",
"la": "la/search?q=",
"lb": "",
"lc": "",
"li": "li/search?q=",
"lk": "lk/search?q=",
"ls": "",
"lt": "lt/search?q=",
"lu": "lu/search?q=",
"lv": "lv/search?q=",
"ly": "",
"ma": "",
"md": "md/search?q=",
"me": "me/search?q=",
"mg": "mg/search?q=",
"mk": "mk/search?q=",
"ml": "ml/search?q=",
"mm": "",
"mn": "mn/search?q=",
"ms": "ms/search?q=",
"mt": "",
"mu": "mu/search?q=",
"mv": "mv/search?q=",
"mw": "mw/search?q=",
"mx": "",
"my": "",
"mz": "",
"na": "",
"ne": "ne/search?q=",
"nf": "",
"ng": "",
"ni": "",
"nl": "nl/search?q=",
"no": "no/search?q=",
"np": "",
"nr": "nr/search?q=",
"nu": "nu/search?q=",
"nz": "",
"om": "",
"pa": "",
"pe": "",
"ph": "",
"pk": "",
"pl": "pl/search?q=",
"pg": "",
"pn": "pn/search?q=",
"pr": "",
"ps": "ps/search?q=",
"pt": "pt/search?q=",
"py": "",
"qa": "",
"ro": "ro/search?q=",
"rs": "rs/search?q=",
"ru": "ru/search?q=",
"rw": "rw/search?q=",
"sa": "",
"sb": "",
"sc": "sc/search?q=",
"se": "se/search?q=",
"sg": "",
"sh": "sh/search?q=",
"si": "si/search?q=",
"sk": "sk/search?q=",
"sl": "",
"sn": "sn/search?q=",
"sm": "sm/search?q=",
"so": "so/search?q=",
"st": "st/search?q=",
"sv": "",
"td": "td/search?q=",
"tg": "tg/search?q=",
"th": "",
"tj": "",
"tk": "tk/search?q=",
"tl": "tl/search?q=",
"tm": "tm/search?q=",
"to": "to/search?q=",
"tn": "tn/search?q=",
"tr": "",
"tt": "tt/search?q=",
"tw": "",
"tz": "",
"ua": "",
"ug": "",
"uk": "",
"uy": "",
"uz": "",
"vc": "",
"ve": "",
"vg": "vg/search?q=",
"vi": "",
"vn": "",
"vu": "vu/search?q=",
"ws": "ws/search?q=",
"za": "",
"zm": "",
"zw": "",
// SearchOptions modifies how the Search function behaves.
type SearchOptions struct {
// CountryCode sets the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code of the localized Google Search homepage to use.
// The default is "us", which will return results from
CountryCode string
// LanguageCode sets the language code.
// Default: en
LanguageCode string
// Limit sets how many results to fetch (at maximum).
Limit int
// Start sets from what rank the new result set should return.
Start int
// UserAgent sets the UserAgent of the http request.
// Default: "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/61.0.3163.100 Safari/537.36"
UserAgent string
// OverLimit searches for more results than that specified by Limit.
// It then reduces the returned results to match Limit.
OverLimit bool
// ProxyAddr sets a proxy address to avoid IP blocking.
ProxyAddr string
// FollowNextPage, when set, scrapes subsequent result pages.
FollowNextPage bool
// Search returns a list of search results from Google.
func Search(ctx context.Context, searchTerm string, opts ...SearchOptions) ([]Result, error) {
if ctx == nil {
ctx = context.Background()
if err := RateLimit.Wait(ctx); err != nil {
return nil, err
c := colly.NewCollector(colly.MaxDepth(1))
if len(opts) == 0 {
opts = append(opts, SearchOptions{})
if opts[0].UserAgent == "" {
c.UserAgent = defaultAgent
} else {
c.UserAgent = opts[0].UserAgent
var lc string
if opts[0].LanguageCode == "" {
lc = "en"
} else {
lc = opts[0].LanguageCode
q, _ := queue.New(1, &queue.InMemoryQueueStorage{MaxSize: 10000})
limit := opts[0].Limit
if opts[0].OverLimit {
limit = int(float64(opts[0].Limit) * 1.5)
results := []Result{}
nextPageLink := ""
var rErr error
filteredRank := 1
rank := 1
c.OnRequest(func(r *colly.Request) {
if err := ctx.Err(); err != nil {
rErr = err
if opts[0].FollowNextPage && nextPageLink != "" {
req, err := r.New("GET", nextPageLink, nil)
if err == nil {
c.OnError(func(r *colly.Response, err error) {
rErr = err
c.OnHTML("div.g", func(e *colly.HTMLElement) {
sel := e.DOM
linkHref, _ := sel.Find("a").Attr("href")
linkText := strings.TrimSpace(linkHref)
titleText := strings.TrimSpace(sel.Find("div > div > div > a > h3").Text())
descText := strings.TrimSpace(sel.Find("div > div > div > div:first-child > span:first-child").Text())
rank += 1
if linkText != "" && linkText != "#" && titleText != "" {
result := Result{
Rank: filteredRank,
URL: linkText,
Title: titleText,
Description: descText,
results = append(results, result)
filteredRank += 1
// check if there is a next button at the end.
// Added this selector as the Id is the same for every language checked on .pt and .es the text changes but the id remains the same
nextPageHref, _ := sel.Find("a #pnnext").Attr("href")
nextPageLink = strings.TrimSpace(nextPageHref)
c.OnHTML("div.g", func(e *colly.HTMLElement) {
sel := e.DOM
// check if there is a next button at the end.
// Added this selector as the Id is the same for every language checked on .pt and .es the text changes but the id remains the same
if nextPageHref, exists := sel.Attr("href"); exists {
start := getStart(strings.TrimSpace(nextPageHref))
nextPageLink = buildUrl(searchTerm, opts[0].CountryCode, lc, limit, start)
} else {
nextPageLink = ""
url := buildUrl(searchTerm, opts[0].CountryCode, lc, limit, opts[0].Start)
if opts[0].ProxyAddr != "" {
rp, err := proxy.RoundRobinProxySwitcher(opts[0].ProxyAddr)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if rErr != nil {
if strings.Contains(rErr.Error(), "Too Many Requests") {
return nil, ErrBlocked
return nil, rErr
// Reduce results to max limit
if opts[0].Limit != 0 && len(results) > opts[0].Limit {
return results[:opts[0].Limit], nil
return results, nil
func getStart(uri string) int {
u, err := url.Parse(uri)
if err != nil {
q := u.Query()
ss := q.Get("start")
si, _ := strconv.Atoi(ss)
return si
func base(url string) string {
if strings.HasPrefix(url, "http") {
return url
} else {
return stdGoogleBase + url
func buildUrl(searchTerm string, countryCode string, languageCode string, limit int, start int) string {
searchTerm = strings.Trim(searchTerm, " ")
searchTerm = strings.Replace(searchTerm, " ", "+", -1)
countryCode = strings.ToLower(countryCode)
var url string
if googleBase, found := GoogleDomains[countryCode]; found {
if start == 0 {
url = fmt.Sprintf("%s%s&hl=%s", base(googleBase), searchTerm, languageCode)
} else {
url = fmt.Sprintf("%s%s&hl=%s&start=%d", base(googleBase), searchTerm, languageCode, start)
} else {
if start == 0 {
url = fmt.Sprintf("%s%s&hl=%s", stdGoogleBase+GoogleDomains["us"], searchTerm, languageCode)
} else {
url = fmt.Sprintf("%s%s&hl=%s&start=%d", stdGoogleBase+GoogleDomains["us"], searchTerm, languageCode, start)
if limit != 0 {
url = fmt.Sprintf("%s&num=%d", url, limit)
return url